
Definition of Antanaclasis
Antanaclasis is a rhetorical device in which a phrase or word is used repeatedly, although the meaning of the word changes in each case. It is the repetition of a similar word in a sentence with different meanings, or a word is repeated in two or more different senses. Many of Shakespeare's literary plays contain examples of antanaclasis. As in these lines: "Put out the light, then put out the light ..." (Othello). The first meaning is that Othello would extinguish the candle and in the second clue to its meaning is that he would end Desdemona's life. In Epizeuxis, the words or phrases are repeated one after the other, sentence or line. As in this passage: "Alone, alone, all alone, / Alone on a wide, wide sea ..." (The Rime of the Old Navigator, by Samuel Coleridge) .

The words or phrases are included in a sentence or passage repeated meanings. And I would, I would be the first to ever fall apart in a dress like this. (Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare). In this case, the first meaning of disguising is disguised, and the second meaning is to act hypocritically. you, friend, and your music! Do you live from your tabour? "
Clown:" No, sir, I live from the church. "
Viola:" Are you a clergyman? "
live for the church; because I live in my house, and my house is next to the church."

In this example, the word “live” is used repeatedly. Viola is Cesario in disguise and talking with Feste (Loco). In the first sentence, it means that he makes a living by beating the drum, and in the last lines it means that he lives near the church.

Example 2: Walter Savage Landor (by Walter Savage Landor)
“Death, although I don't see it, is near
And treat me to my eightieth year.
Now I would give him all these last
s for one that has passed fifty.
Ah ! He strikes all things, all the same,
But bargains: the ones he won't beat ... ”

Landor used the word“ strike ”with opposing meanings in the last two lines of the poem. First and foremost, it means to kill everyone and everything, while in the second reference it means the opposite.

Example 3: Popping into the forest on a snowy evening (By Robert Frost)
“The forest is beautiful, dark and deep,
But me Promised to keep
And miles before I sleep,
And miles before I sleep. “

Here the poet uses Antanaklasis in the last two lines of the poem. The first use of the word "sleep" means nocturnal rest and the last line means death. This device helps to attract the attention of readers.

Example 4: Henry V (By William Shakespeare)

“And tell the pleasant prince that this ridicule of his
Hath has turned his balls into cannon stones, and his soul
Shall stands sore for the lavish vengeance
That will fly with them; for many thousands of widows
Shall this be a pseudo-lock from their dear husbands,
Mock mothers of their sons, castles down,
And some are still unborn and unborn
This will have reason to curse the contempt of the Dauphin ... “

Henry V, as you can see The above Excerpt is one of Shakespeare's works that contains examples of antanaclasis. The word “sham” used repeatedly in this excerpt has two meanings: “cheat” and “mock”.

Function of Antanaclasis
Antanaclasis helps create an exciting contrast to different meanings of the same word. It enhances the dramatic and convincing effect of a piece of writing or speech. Antanaklasis creates a comic book effect when used in the form of irony and pun. Apart from that, it makes the literary text memorable due to repetition. It is used as a rhetorical device in poetry, prose, and political speeches. Political leaders use this technique to convince their audiences and get their attention.
Antagonist Antecedent