
Definition of archaism
Archaism is the derivation of the Greek word archaïkós, which means "beginning" or "old". It is a phrase in which a phrase or word used is viewed as very old-fashioned and out of date. It can be a word, phrase, group of letters, spelling, or syntax.

Archaism is the use of writing or language now seldom used; the use of older versions of language and art. As in these lines: "To be true of your own self" (Hamlet, by William Shakespeare). Sentences that can be viewed as examples of archaism will most likely become words like "your" and "you".

Evolution of archaism
Archaism is also known as "archaic diction". The languages ​​evolve over the years. The English language written and spoken by Shakespeare was very different from the English language used today. The use of the archaic language can be found in the literary works of the old Middle Ages as well as in the Victorian and Edwardian 19th and 20th centuries.

Examples of archaism in literature
Examples of archaism are found in the masterpieces of Shakespeare, S. Coleidge, Hemingway, and Keats.

Example # 1: The Ancient Mariner's Frost (By S. Coleidge)

'Because of your long gray beard and your shining eyes,
Why are you stopping me? Gray bearded loon! »
Ebecause soon his hand dropped
« I fear your skinny hand! ...

I fear you and your bright eye,
And your skinny hand, so brown.
Fear not, fear not, wedding guest!
This body did not bow ... ”

In the following excerpt, archaic words are used extensively. These words are shown in bold.

Example # 2: For whom the bell tolls (by Earnest Hemingway)
“'Where the hell are you going?' Agustín asked the serious little man as he climbed ...

'Your duty', he said Agustin mockingly. 'I stain the milk of your duty.' Then, turning to the woman, `` Where is the unspeakable this vileness that I have to keep? ''
`` In the cave, '' said Pilar. `` In two sacks. And I'm tired of your obscenity. "
" I'm obscene in the milk of your tiredness, "said Agustín.
" Then go and dirty yourself, "Pilar said to him without heat." For example, the words “unnamable” and “meanness” are old-fashioned and no longer in use. However, he used them specifically to achieve a special mysterious effect.

Example 3: Ode to Autumn (by John Keats)
“Who hasn't seen you in your shop often?
Sometimes someone searching abroad can find
. You sit carefree on a granary floor. …

Flooded with the smoke of the poppies while your hook
And sometimes like a gleaner you
hold your laden head over a stream; …
You watch the last oozing for hours. “

John Keats made frequent use of archaism in his poems. This example is also based on old-fashioned words. Since "ha" is an older version of "has", "tú" has replaced "tú" and "watch over" is used as the past participle of "look".

Example # 4: Hamlet (by William Shakespeare)
Perhaps now he loves you,
And now no soil or caution dirties
The virtue of his will

And these few precepts in your memory
Look at your character. Don't give language to your thoughts ...

I find you suitable;
And more boring you should be than the fat grass
Which rots easily on the Lete pier,

Shakespeare is famous for using archaic words to make his work more rhythmic, realistic and to attract readers' attention. Here, words marked in bold are considered archaic.

Function of archaism
, geography, ritual and technology, speech and writing. It may have been used accidentally or intentionally. The role of archaism in the story is to suggest a superior, but perhaps mythical, ancient golden age. Additionally, it can be used to create humor and irony. However, the most effective use of archaism is in poetry. Archaic word sound patterns are helpful when it comes to assonance, alliteration, and rhyme scheme.
Appositive Archetype