
Definition of Induction
Induction is known as a conclusion reached through reasoning. An inductive statement is derived using facts and instances that lead to the formation of a general opinion. Although all the facts on which the conclusion is based are true, there is still a possibility that the conclusion reached is false. This type of reasoning goes from specific facts to a general statement.

An inductive statement is of two types: a strong inductive statement or a weak inductive statement; it depends on its authenticity. to be false, but it is highly unlikely. There is a very high probability that it is true. When it comes to weak inductive statements, they have conclusions that are highly unlikely to be true, and the reasons are weak enough that the conclusion is Not likely

It is not possible to measure the strength of a statement exactly, but it is possible measure it in degrees. For a proposition to be strong, it should be more likely compared to unlikely and should have a strong factual reason on which it is based. There are four different categories of inductive thinking, namely inductive generalization, statistical syllogism, simple induction, and argument by analogy.

Induction examples
Example 1:
“This marble from the pocket is black. This marble from the pocket is black. A third marble from the bag is black. Therefore, all the marbles in the pocket are black. ”

The statement above is an example of inductive thinking. Since the first marble from the bag was black, the second black, and the third black, the conclusion is that all of the marbles in the bag are black. Unless there were only these three marbles in the bag, that conclusion may not be correct.

Example 2:
“I counted five or six people with green eyes. therefore all people have green eyes. ”

This statement is an example of an inductive generalization where evidence for a limited number of things is used to make an overall assumption of most things of that type. Authentication of this type of statement depends on the number of things used to accept it and the total number of things.

Example 3:
“Sam is a bus driver. All drivers drive at 30 mph, so Sam drives at 30 mph. ”

This statement is an example of statistical syllogism that starts from a general statement and ends with a conclusion about a person.

Example 4:
“ John and David are brothers. John likes to eat pizza and hamburgers. David likes to eat pizza. Hence, one assumes that David also likes to eat hamburgers. ”

This statement is an example of an argument from the analogy that begins by stating two or more properties and concludes that they must have some additional properties in common.

Example 5:
“All children in the park can jump; Therefore, Ilene's child can also jump. “

This statement is an example of a simple induction. These types of statements start with evidence of a group and lead to a conclusion about a person. This statement starts with an assumption about all children and then comes down to apply that assumption to “Ilene's child” who is a specific child.

Example 6:
“Around 80 percent of the girls wore heels, Jane is a girl. So Jane wore heels. ”

This statement is an example of a strong inductive statement.

Example 7:
“ Some actors are girls. Tom is a boy. That's why Tom is an actor. "

This instruction is an example of a weak inductive instruction.

Example 8:
" The bag contains 15 clips. In a random drawing, 12 are pink. Hence, all of the clips in the bag are pink. “

This is a strong inductive proposition because it is logical and has a greater chance of being true than it is.

Function of induction
Induction is used Predict what will happen in the future and establish some way of what to do next can happen. Inductive statements allow you to determine the probability and prepare accordingly. At the same time, you can argue a point without actually having to prove the fact. They can only turn out to be right or wrong after further investigation and observation. Inductive statements are also used in everyday life. In fact, we all use inductive statements in everyday life to prove our point when we talk about the weather, about other people. and even general situations.
Inciting Incident Inference