
Definition of Meter
Meter is a stressed and unstressed syllabic pattern in a verse, or within the lines of a poem. Stressed syllables tend to be longer and unstressed shorter. verses, as it gives poetry a rhythmic and melodious sound. For example, if you read a poem out loud, and it produces regular sound patterns, then this poem would be a measured or measured poem Studying different types of versification and meters

Meter and Foot
A meter contains a sequence of several feet, where each foot has a number of syllables like accented / unstressed. 40a4
Types of meters
English poetry employs five basic meters, including:

Iambic meter (not stressed / stressed)
Trochaic meter (stressed / not stressed)
Spondaic meter, (stressed / stressed)
Anapestic meter (not stressed / not stressed / stressed)
Metro dactylic (stressed / not stressed / not stressed)
Meter has two subdivisions: qualitative meter and quantitative meter. however, it is based on syllabic weight and not on accented patterns, such as the dactyl hexameters of classical Greek and classical Latin. However, classical Arabic and Sanskrit have also used this metric. Poets like Virgil used the quantitative metric in the Aeneid, and Homer used it in the Iliad.

Brief examples of the
metric People become what they believe in.
(Dactylic / Spondaic)
Look for failures Seek remedies
(Iambic meter)
When you give and accept with gratitude, you feel blessed
(Anapestic meter)
The safest place on planet Earth
Be happy, be positive , be you.
(Spontaneous Metro)
Life is short to hold a grudge.
(trochaic meter)
If you know what to live for then you can tolerate anything
(dactylic meter)
All the news here is ready to print
(trochaic meter)
Because you are worth it
(iambic meter)
Bell lion not in a gloomy way
(trochaic meter)
And they found some mice still alive
(anaplastic meter)
Hard minds shake the conscience of the week
(iambic meter)
The children are gone, because they have left the nest .
(iambic tetrameter)
He knows she will do it and you can tell.
(Iambic Tetrameter)
Meters Examples in Literature
Example # 1: Twelfth Night (By William Shakespeare)
“If music is the food of love, keep playing;
Give me the excess of it, which, fed up,
The appetite can get sick, and thus die.
That tension again! it had a dying fall:
O, it came over my ear like the sweet sound,
That breathes on a bank of violets ... "

This is an example of an iambic pentameter that contains first an unstressed syllable and then a stressed syllable . Shakespeare played around a lot with iambic pentameters to create various effects. Here you can see that each line consists of accented and non-accented syllables that are underlined.

Example 2: The Explosion (by Philip Larkin)
“Shadows pointed to the brand head:
In the sun The slag was sleeping.
Men in pit boots came down the alley with four trochees.

Example 3: The attack of the light brigade (By Alfred Lord Tennyson)
"Half a league, half a league,
Half a league ahead,
All in the Valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
" Forward, the light brigade!
Load for the weapons! "He said:
In the valley of death
He rode the six hundred."

This excerpt presents an example of a finger meter that contains one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables.

Example # 4: Hunting the Snark (By Lewis Carroll)
the place for a Snark! "The Bellman screamed,
While landing carefully with his crew;
Supporting each man on top of the tide
With a finger entwined in his hair ...
There was also a Beaver, who was walking on the deck,
O He sat snapping at the bow:

You can see that Carroll has used different types of anapestic meter, dimether, trimeter and tetrimeter. This type of meter has two unaccented syllables and a third accented syllable.

Example # 5: Troilo and Crésida (By William Shakespeare)
Cry, cry! Burn, or else let Helen go.

Spondaic metric has two stressed syllables. You can easily identify this type of metric because it contains both stressed syllables: “Cry, cry! Troy burns. "

Example # 6: A Fall Visit (by Josie Whitehead)
“Autumn is wearing her sparkling golden crown
Because this morning she's coming to visit our city
And Wind, her best friend, will also be joining her.
Will you have a nice day and what? They will do it? ”

This stanza has used a combination of iambic and anapestic metric. In anapest, two unstressed syllables are followed by an accented syllable, which rhymes the lines and adds music to them.

“Bent like a laborious oar, toiling in the ocean waves,
Bent, but not broken, by the age was the form of the notary public;
Strands of yellow hair, like corn silk, hung
On his shoulders; his forehead was high; and glasses with bows of horn
Se she straddled her nose, with a look of heavenly wisdom.

This poem is written in dactyl hexameter, with six dactyls on each line.

Example # 8: Trees (By Joyce Kilmer)
“I think I'll never see
A poem as beautiful as a tree
A tree whose hungry mouth is prey ...
A tree that looks at God all day,
And raises its leafy arms

A tree that in summer can carry
A nest of robins in its hair ... "

Each line in this example follows an iambic tetrametric pattern. Notice the first line, in which the accent is placed on the second syllable" think ", but not in "I. In this poem, the poet emphasizes the comparison between a tree and a poem.

Example # 9: Song (by William Blake)
“I love the jocund dance,
The song that breathes softly,
Where innocent eyes look,
And where the maiden lisps
I love the oak seat,
Under the oak tree,
Where all the old villagers meet,
And laugh our sports to watch. ”

This is an example of an iambic trimeter. There are three iambics and six syllables, alternating three groups of unaccented and

Example # 10: Hiawatha's Song (By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
“You ask me, where did these stories come from? …
With its frequent repetitions,
And its wild reverberations,
Like thunder in the mountains? ”

This unique poem has used the trochaic meter as its main metric foot, which clearly adds music to the verses.

Function or f Meter
Although the meter is a poetic device, playwrights and prose writers often use it to enhance the dramatic quality of the work, adding charm, mystery, and emotion to their language. If you look closely, you will notice that metric feet are not only suitable in poetry, but also in plays to achieve dramatic purposes. Its basic function, however, is to give rhythm and evenness and to give the poetic work a rounded and well-formed structure. Meter makes the tone of a language more lyrical. When a situation calls for enhanced language, poets use meters for artistic purposes.Also, a meter has meaning and value to readers, but it can be lost if paraphrased or translated.
Metalepsis Metonymy