
Definition of Dialogue
A dialogue is a literary technique in which writers use two or more characters to speak to one another. In literature, it is a conversation passage or a spoken or written exchange of conversation in a group or between two people.The use of dialogues can be found in classical literature, especially in Plato's Republic. Several other philosophers also used this technique for rhetorical and argumentative purposes. In general, it makes literary work pleasant and lively.

Types of Dialog
There There are two types of dialog in literature:

Inner Dialog - In inner dialogue, the characters speak to themselves and reveal their personality. To use the inner dialogue, writers use literary techniques such as stream of consciousness or dramatic monologue. We often find such dialogues in the works of James Joyce, Virginia Wolf, and William Faulkner.
Outer Dialogue - Outer Dialogue is a simple conversation between two characters that is used in almost all types of fictional works.
Examples of Dialogue in Literature
Lass see how famous writers have used dialogue for resonance and meaning in their works:

Example 1: Wuthering Heights (by Emily Bronte)
"Now he's here," I exclaimed. "For God's sake hurry up! Be quick; and stay in the trees until he's pretty much in."

"I have to go, Cathy," said Heathcliff, trying to free himself from his mate's arms. "I will not be five meters away from your window ... "

" For an hour, "he pleaded seriously.

" Not for a minute, "she replied.

" I have to - Linton will get up immediately, "insisted the intruder. when he says, "But if I live, I'll see you ..." She added these expressions to create conflict in the plot.

Example 2: Crime and Punishment (by Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
But to whom did he tell ? You and me? "

" And Porfiry. "

" What does it matter? "

" And by the way, do you have any influence on them, their mother and sister? Tell them to be more careful with him today ... "

" They will get along! "Razumikhin reluctantly replied

" Why is he so against this Luzhin? A man with money and she doesn't dislike him ...

"But what business of yours?" Razumikhin wept in disgust.

In this excerpt, observe the use of flowing conflict, emotions, information, conflict, inversion, and opposition. Ideas and information are expressed at the perfect time, but an important point here is that the characters do not respond. with a definitive answer. This is a beautiful dialogue.

Example 3: A dialogue between Caliban and Ariel (by John Fuller)
Cal. “Don't you have any visions that you cannot name?”

Ar. “A picture should extend beyond its frame, complexity that
Words cannot see. “

Fuller wrote this poem in dialogue form. Two characters, Caliban and Ariel, chat revealing the conflict while Caliban asks questions, and Ariel provides answers that make the poem vivid and interesting.

Example # 4: Pride and Prejudice (by Jane Austen)
“Oh! Single my love to be safe! A single man of great fortune; four thousand or five thousand a year. What a beautiful thing for our girls! "

" How is that? How can it affect them? "

" My dear Mr. Bennet, "replied his wife," how can he be so tired? You must know that I am thinking of her marrying one of them ...

Darling, you flatter me. I've certainly had my share of beauty, but I'm not pretending to be anything extraordinary right now… she should stop thinking about her own beauty. "

Austen explores the characters in his novels through dialogue. In this conversation, the author displays the character of Mrs. Bennet as stupid and useless. Bennet mocks his wife, and this dialogue sums up their relationship and hints at their personalities. Dialogue has several purposes, such as advancing the plot of a narrative and revealing characters that cannot be understood otherwise; in addition, it presents an exposition of the background or past events, and sets the tone for a narrative. It can also be seen in modern literary works, where it colors the personality of the characters, creates conflict, highlights the vernacular, and moves the plot forward. Also, dialogue makes a piece of literature interesting and lively, and provides a pleasant experience for readers.
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