A Metaphor is a phrase that makes an implicit, implicit, or hidden comparison between two things that are not related but have some common characteristics. In other words, a resemblance of two contradicting or different objects is established on the basis of a single object or some common characteristic.
In plain English, you speak metaphorically when you represent a person, place, thing or action as something else, though it is actually not "something else". The following sentence is an example of the metaphor: "My brother is the black sheep of the family" because he is neither a sheep nor a black one. However, we can use this comparison to describe a black sheep's association with that person. A black sheep is an unusual animal that usually stays away from the herd, and the person described has similar characteristics.
However, the metaphorical phrase is different from a parable in that we do not use "how" or "how". It is an implicit or hidden comparison, not an explicit one.
Now let's look at some common examples of meptahors.Most of us think of a metaphor as a device that is used only in songs or poems, and has nothing to do with our daily lives. In fact, we all speak, write and think in metaphors in our everyday lives. Metaphors are sometimes constructed through our common language, and are called "conventional metaphors." Let's explore some meanings and examples of metaphors, such as calling a person a "night owl" or "early riser" or saying "life is a journey" are common examples of metaphors that most of us hear and understand. Below are some metaphors more conventional ones that we often hear in our daily lives:
My brother was seething crazy (this implies that he was too angry) The task was very simple (this implies that the task was not difficult)
It will be clear from now on . (This implies that clear skies are not a threat and life will be smooth)
The skies of your future began to darken (darkness is a threat, therefore this implies that the times to come are going to be difficult for him.)
His voice is music to his ears. (This implies that his voice makes him feel happy)
He saw the soul of dust as he passed through the dust storm
Chaos is the breeding ground for order
War is the mother of all battles
His dance is a great poem.
A new path to freedom passes through this valley of death.
My conscience is my barometer.
His pale face shows his concern.
His kisses are like roses
He married her to have a trophy wife
Laughter is the best medicine
Words are daggers when spoken in anger
His words are pearls of wisdom
Examples of metaphors in literature
Metaphors are used in all kinds of literature, but not often to the extent that they are used in poetry. This is because the metaphor poem is intended to communicate complex images and feelings to readers, and metaphors often draw the comparisons more emotionally. Now that we know the definition of metaphor, let's take a look at some
Example # 1: The Sun Rising (By John Donne)
"She is all states, and all princes, I ..."
John Donne, a metaphysical poet , was known for his abundant use of metaphors throughout his poetic works. in his well-known work, The Sun Rising, the speaker scolds the sun for waking him and his beloved. Among the most evocative metaphors in literature, he declares: "She is all states and all princes, I." This line shows the speaker's belief that he and his loved one are richer than any states, kingdoms, and rulers around the world because of the love they share.
“But your eternal summer will not fade…”
William Shakespeare was the best exponent of metaphor, using it extensively in his works. Sonnet 18, also known as Should I Compare You to a Summer's Day, is an expansion metaphor between the speaker's love and the fairness of the summer season. He writes that “your eternal summer”, understood here as love for the topic, “will not fade”.
Example # 3: When I'm Afraid (by John Keats)
"Of Piled Up Books In Signs
Like rich gatherers, keep the fully-ripened grain."
The great romantic poet John Keats suffered great losses in his life - His father's death an accident and the death of his mother and brother from tuberculosis. When Keats was showing signs of tuberculosis even at the age of 22, he wrote When I Have Fears, a poem rich in metaphors about life and death. In the lines above he uses a double metaphor. Writing poetry is implicitly compared to harvesting and sowing, and both acts represent the emptiness of a life that remains creatively unfulfilled.
Example 4: Traces (by Van Jordan)
“... and jump into the sea and say, follow me,
and know you'd do it. The sea is cold
and it's deep too, I'd be joking,
stands at the edge of the boat's arch.
A wind breathes over the sea,
gently connects with the edges of time.
Find lines from Van Jordan in these six just different metaphors. This is the "sea" of time. This is an expanded metaphor that is further expanded to allow for cold, depth, and then edges and travel through them.
Example 5: The Sunrise (by John Donne)
“Busy old fool, unruly sun,
Why are you calling us,
Through windows and curtains?”
This is another example of a good metaphor with the sun in John Done who is famous for his use of strange metaphors, referred to as a fool.
Example 6: Paradise Lost, Book 1 (By John Milton)
"Call on your help on my adventurous song,
That intends to fly over the 'Aonian Mount ”
This is a good metaphor from Milton from his epic Paradise Lost. Here Milton has compared his poems to a dove.
Example 7: I carry your heart with me (by E. Cummings)
“... and it is you are what a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing, are you ... ”
Here E. Cummings compared his mistress to both the moon and the sun. This is another good metaphor for a modern poet.
Example 8: The Storm (By Kate Chopin)
“Your mouth was a source of joy. And when he owns you seemed to pass out together on the verge of the mystery of life.
Just check out the excellence of using a metaphor in just one sentence. The second is the extension.
Example 9: The Call of Cthulhu (by H. Lovecraft)
“We live on a quiet island of ignorance in the midst of Black Seas of Infinity, and it was not meant to travel far. The sciences, each of which strives in its own direction, have hitherto done us little harm; But one day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open such terrible vistas of reality and our terrible position within it that we will either go mad from Revelation or flee the light into the peace and security of a new dark age. ””
Lovecraft has used metaphors to describe the situation in this paragraph. Just read the underlined sentences to see this metaphorical beauty.
Metaphor Meaning and Function
From the above arguments, explanations and examples we can easily infer the function of metaphors. both in our daily life and in a piece of literature. The use of appropriate metaphors directly appeals to the senses of listeners or readers and sharpens their imaginations to understand what is being communicated to them. In addition, it gives our conversations and the characters of fiction or poetry. Metaphors are also ways of thinking, offering listeners and readers new ways to examine ideas and see the world.
Popular Literary Devices
- Ad Hominem
- Adage
- Allegory
- Alliteration
- Allusion
- Ambiguity
- Anachronism
- Anagram
- Analogy
- Anapest
- Anaphora
- Anecdote
- Antagonist
- Antecedent
- Antimetabole
- Antithesis
- Aphorism
- Aposiopesis
- Apostrophe
- Archaism
- Archetype
- Argument
- Assonance
- Biography
- Cacophony
- Cadence
- Caricature
- Catharsis
- Characterization
- Cliché
- Climax
- Colloquialism
- Comparison
- Conflict
- Connotation
- Consonance
- Denotation
- Deus Ex Machina
- Dialect
- Dialogue
- Diction
- Didacticism
- Discourse
- Doppelganger
- Double Entendre
- Ellipsis
- Epiphany
- Epitaph
- Essay
- Ethos
- Eulogy
- Euphemism
- Evidence
- Exposition
- Fable
- Fallacy
- Flash Forward
- Foil
- Foreshadowing
- Genre
- Haiku
- Half Rhyme
- Hubris
- Hyperbaton
- Hyperbole
- Idiom
- Imagery
- Induction
- Inference
- Innuendo
- Internal Rhyme
- Irony
- Jargon
- Juxtaposition
- Limerick
- Line Break
- Logos
- Meiosis
- Memoir
- Metaphor
- Meter
- Mood
- Motif
- Narrative
- Nemesis
- Non Sequitur
- Ode
- Onomatopoeia
- Oxymoron
- Palindrome
- Parable
- Paradox
- Parallelism
- Parataxis
- Parody
- Pathetic Fallacy
- Pathos
- Pentameter
- Persona
- Personification
- Plot
- Poem
- Poetic Justice
- Point of View
- Portmanteau
- Propaganda
- Prose
- Protagonist
- Pun
- Red Herring
- Repetition
- Rhetoric
- Rhyme
- Rhythm
- Sarcasm
- Satire
- Simile
- Soliloquy
- Sonnet
- Style
- Superlative
- Syllogism
- Symbolism
- Synecdoche
- Synesthesia
- Syntax
- Tautology
- Theme
- Thesis
- Tone
- Tragedy
- Tragicomedy
- Tragic Flaw
- Transition
- Utopia
- Verisimilitude