
Definition of palindrome
The term palindrome is derived from two Greek words, palin, which means "again", and dromos, which means "path" or "direction". It is defined as a number, a word, a sentence, a symbol, or even signs that can be read both forward and backward, or in reverse order with the same effects and meanings.

In English, Ben Jonson was the first writer to introduce this term in the middle of the seventeenth century. There are two types of palindrome: word unit palindrome and one line palindrome. Some words, such as civic, radar, level, rotor, and noon are word-unit palindrome, while the phrase "Was it a car or a cat I saw?" is an example of a one-line palindrome. in literature
There are many examples of Palindrome in prose, poetry, and criticism. Let's look at some examples:

Example # 1: The funny side of English (By O.Booty)
“I lived lascivious and I lived evil. ”

This is the first sentence that uses a palindrome that appeared in the English language, back in 1614. In this sentence, the words are read the same back and forth.

Example # 2: The life of a poet (by W. Auden )
“T. Eliot, the best bard, notices that there is a putrid smell, he is sad. He would give it a name: pesky mosquito filth in a drab toilet. ”

Palindrome can be seen in this sentence where T. Eliot is given the same names at the beginning," putrid ", and also at the end of the sentence" dirty mosquito in a monotonous toilet ".

Example no. 3: Unknown Handwriting (credited to W. Auden)
"Norma is just as selfless as I am, Ron. "

Palindrome is used as the author says he and Norma are disinterested.

Example # 4: Doppelgänger (By James A. Lindon)
" Entering the lonely house with my wife
I saw him for the first time
Peeping behind a bush ...

Black moving,
A shape amid the shadows,
A momentary flash of shining eyes
Revealed in the threadbare moon ...

A closer look (seemed to turn) could have
Revealed in the shabby moon
A momentary flash of shimmering eyes

A shape in the dark 40 sneaking behind a bush,
I saw it, for the first time
Entering the lonely house with my wife. ”

The poem above gives the perfect example of a palindrome, since it reads the same way from the first to the last line, as it does from the last line to the first line.

Example # 5: Inspiration (by memory trace)
“Open the floodgates,
once firmly restrained,
suddenly forms rippling waters,
expr free-flowing thoughts,
by frightening heart faithfully attending
faithfully expressing frightening heart by
frightening heart by
frightening heart free flowing,
suddenly wavy waters,
heavily restricted once,
gates open. ”

This type of poetry is also called“ mirrored poetry ”, where each of the sentences is called“ paleness ”.

Example # 6: Famous names
Some famous names like fine palindromes:

Lon Nol was Prime Minister of Cambodia
Nisio Isin was a Japanese novelist
Robert Trebor was an actor
Stanley Yelnats a character from the movie Holes
Palindrome function words in the words Holes
The purpose of Palindrome use words 40 numbers and sentences is to create light and fun entertainment. However, some supporters have gone to great lengths to find long palindromes that cover many sentences and in poetry. the palindromes of ancient times appeared in magic spells and many have taken this reversibility as a convention.

Palindromes can be traced in the poetry of classical and modern music for rhythmic effects, in acoustics and also in data. Even several religious texts are full of palindromes. It's not just a chance that our genes are biologically palindromes too - that their order is the same forwards and backwards. Another point of interest is that numbers are also falling to produce palindromes like 88, 99, 101, 111, 121, 131, 141, 151, 161, and 171 that can be read backwards and forwards in the same way.
Pacing Parable