
Cliché definition
Cliché refers to a term that has been overused to the extent that it loses its original meaning or novelty. A cliché can also refer to actions and events that are predictable based on some previous events.

All examples of clichés are phrases that were once new.They grew in popularity among the public and have become so widely used that such phrases are now boring and sometimes sound irritating because they have lost their original color. For example, the phrase "as red as a rose" must have been a fresh and innovative phrase at some point, but today it is widely viewed as a cliché and does not have as much impact when used in everyday or formal writing.

Phrases that are not clichés
It is important to adhere to them Note that reusing expressions over and over does not necessarily lead to a cliché. Typical expressions that are almost always used in formal ceremonies, feasts, dishes, etc., are not considered to be clichéd examples; Rather, they are appropriate for such occasions and are considered more appropriate. Here are some examples:

“I agree to the proposal” (board meeting or council meeting)
“I will now speak out as husband and wife” (wedding ceremony)
“I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am President loyally to the United States and to do best to maintain, protect and defend the United States Constitution. "(Oath-taking ceremony)
" Happy birthday! Similarly, certain epithets such as “pastor” and “father” are associated with the names of church officials. In addition, people of the royal family are addressed by the nicknames "Your Grace", "Your Highness" or "Your Royal Highness". Such expressions are part of proper etiquette and do not fall under the category of clichés.

Common cliché examples
Example # 1
In the description of time, the following expressions have turned into clichés:

in the span of time - only to happen in time
only time will tell over time become clear
a question of time - sooner or later
happen at the speed of light - do something very fast
survive an eternity - take a very long time
lost time span - stop paying attention to the time
Example # 2
In the description of people, these expressions have become a cliché transformed:

as brave as a lion - describes a very brave person
as clever as a fox - describes a very clever person
as old as the hills - describes an old person or an idea
a rough diamond - describes someone with a brilliant future
fit as a violin - describes one Person in good shape
as meek as a lamb - describes a person who is too weak and modest
Example # 3
In description Due to various feelings, a number of expressions have turned into clichés:

scared to death - too scared
Feared out of fear
all is fair in love and war - to claim to any extent that someone's love
all is good, that ends well - a happy ending reduces the severity of the problems that come in your way
every cloud has a silver lining - problems also have something good in them
the writing on the wall - something clear and already understood
time heals all wounds - pain and misery will heal with The passage of time
haste makes waste - people make mistakes when they hurry
Example # 4
Below is a list of some more common clichés:

They all lived happily after
Read between the lines
Call head Healings
Wake up d he wrong side of the bed
The silence before the storm
The deep blue sea
Function of Cliché
Anton C.Zijderveld, a Dutch sociologist, illuminates the function of the cliché in the following excerpt from his treatise on clichés:

“A cliché is a traditional form of man (removed) in Words, thoughts, emotions, gestures, actions that - due to repeated use in social life - has lost its original, often ingenious heuristic power. Although it does not make a positive contribution to meaning for social interactions and communication, it works socially, as it stimulates behavior (cognition, emotion, will, action) and avoids reflection on meanings.
Circumlocution Cliffhanger