
Definition of Propaganda
Propaganda is the spreading of a rumor, false or correct information, or an idea in order to influence the opinion of society. It can advance an idea or discredit an opposite idea. In literature, writers use propaganda as a literary technique to manipulate public opinion for or against one idea or another. Throughout history, we can search through a variety of literary works used as propaganda to shape public perception and guide their behavior to get an answer. In general, propaganda is a technique used to convince people. but what is misleading in nature or promotes a false viewpoint.

Popular Examples of Propaganda
The leaflets published in a propaganda campaign in Iraq to let people know that Saddam Hussein was the real culprit they were looking for.
People named names as propaganda like "My enemy is addicted to drugs".
During the McCarthy era, the mass media tried to use propaganda to convince the public that communists had become very powerful and that they would adopt the U.
slogans or catchphrases could act as propaganda if repeated over and over again. Over time, the public begins to believe them.
Selling happiness has become a popular concept in advertisements and serves as propaganda, as famous celebrities explain to the public why they need to buy the product because it would solve their problems.
Examples of propaganda in literature
Example # 1: Animal Farm (By George Orwell)
Propaganda played a very important role in the Russian Revolution. George Orwell wrote his novel Animal Farm after this revolution, and used anti-communist propaganda as the main theme of it. The author manipulated the speech of the character Squealer, who is a pig portrayed as Napoleon's mouthpiece.

An example of Squealer's propaganda is to enlist the support of other animals. He uses a manipulated speech to disapprove of Snowball's involvement in the revolt following his banishment from the farm. He uses the stupidity of animals. for his benefit, and plays with their minds by describing a different side of events in the Battle of the Stable. We can see another example of propaganda in this novel, when pigs twist the rules and the Seven Commandments for their own benefit. The original rule says:

“No animal will be killed by any other animal. "

Sie change this to:

" No animal may be killed by another animal for no reason. "

Example 2: The Orphan Master's Son (by Adam Johnson)
Adam Johnson's novel The Orphan Master's Son deals with the topics of identity, state power and propaganda in North Korea. The story is about two men from North Korea who oppose the tyrannical government of their country From their story, readers get the impression that North Korean leaders are selfish in kidnapping their people and stealing money and cheating on them.

Example 3: Richard III (by W.Auden)
Many critics consider some historical plays from Shakespeare as Tudor propaganda as they portray the dangers of civil war, and in his play Richard recall the founders of Tudor Dynasty III, Shakespeare uses propaganda when we see Richard shaping the perception of readers. He wins the sympathies of others Characters in the play when he states that his deformity is the main cause of malice in his dah he uses deformity as propaganda and controls, hurts and manipulates other people for his personal gain.

Example 4: Lord of the Flies (by William Golding)
In William Golding's Lord of the Flies, the author presents the concept of an animal using the propaganda of its character Jack trying to take control of a totalitarian government. He uses propaganda by manipulating the boys' knowledge and frightening them of the animal's existence in the area. He accuses Ralph of not doing his duty to protect the children and consequently taking over the leadership of a new tribe that would follow its tyrannical rules.

Function of Propaganda
We can easily find the use of the propaganda technique in mass media advertising, in politics and in literature. It is a very popular technique in academic commentary and is seen as an interchangeable form of communication. The function of propaganda is to convince the audience and shape their perception about a particular cause.

Often times, propaganda helps in promoting engagement or guidelines Consent would not be enough to make this technique successful and to secure its purpose. Propaganda also serves as an effective weapon o awakening people by recognizing their weaknesses and weaknesses instead of comforting them with illusions.
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