Phrase Analysis

A Bad Penny Always Turns Up
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Bad Penny Always Turns Up' with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Bed of Roses
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Bed of Roses', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Bird in the Hand
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Bird in the Hand', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Bun in The Oven
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Bun in The Oven', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Change is as Good as A Rest
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Change is as Good as A Rest', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Diamond Is Forever
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Diamond is Forever', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Diamond in the Rough
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Diamond in the Rough', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Different Kettle of Fish
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Different Kettle of Fish', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Fool and His Money Are Soon Parted
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Fool and His Money Are Soon Parted', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Friend in Need
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Friend in Need', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A La Mode
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A La Mode', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Lick and a Promise
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Lick and a Promise', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Phrase title', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Load of Cobblers
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Load of Cobblers', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Man Who Is His Own Lawyer Has A Fool for a Client
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Man Who Is His Own Lawyer Has A Fool for a Client', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Millstone Around One’s Neck
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Millstone Around One’s Neck', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Miss is as Good as a Mile
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Miss is as Good as a Mile', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Penny for Your Thoughts
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Penny for Your Thoughts', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Pig in a Poke
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Pig in a Poke ', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Pound of Flesh
Literary analysis for the phrase A Pound of Flesh from Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

A Pretty Penny
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Pretty Penny', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Rose by any Other Name
Literary analysis for the phrase A Rose by any Other Name from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

A Sight for Sore Eyes
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Sight for Sore Eyes', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Stitch in Time
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A Stitch in Time', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy For Ever
Literary analysis for the phrase A thing of beauty is a joy for ever from Endymion with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

A Word in Your Shell-Like Ear
Literary analysis for the phrase 'A word in your shell-like ear', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Literary analysis for the phrase 'Abracadabra', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Accidentally on Purpose
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Accidentally on Purpose', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

According to Hoyle
Literary analysis for the phrase 'According to Hoyle', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Achilles Heel
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Achilles Heel', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Acid Test
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Acid Test', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Across the Board
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Across the Board', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

After the Fact
Literary analysis for the phrase 'After the Fact', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Age Before Beauty
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Age before Beauty', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Agree to Disagree
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Agree to Disagree', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Air Kiss
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Air Kiss', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Air Quotes
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Air Quotes', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Alas, Poor Yorick!
Literary analysis for the phrase Alas, Poor Yorick! from Shakespeare's Hamlet with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

All Animals are Equal
Literary analysis for the phrase All Animals are Equal from Animal Farm with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

All Greek To Me
Literary analysis for the phrase 'All Greek To Me', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

All That Glitters is Not Gold
Literary analysis for the phrase 'All That Glitters is Not Gold', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

All Things Come to Those Who Wait
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Phrase title', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

All at Sea
Literary analysis for the phrase 'All at Sea', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

All in All
Literary analysis for the phrase 'All in All', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

All of a Sudden
Literary analysis for the phrase 'All of a Sudden', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

All the World’s a Stage
Literary analysis for the phrase All the World's a Stage from Shakespeare's As You Like It with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

All’s Well That Ends Well
Literary analysis for the phrase 'All's Well That Ends Well', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Alter Ego
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Alter Ego', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

An Albatross Around One’s Neck
Literary analysis for the phrase 'An Albatross Around One’s Neck', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

An Apple A Day
Literary analysis for the phrase 'An Apple a Day', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

An Arm and a Leg
Literary analysis for the phrase 'An Arm and a Leg', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

An Englishman’s Home Is His Castle
Literary analysis for the phrase 'An Englishman’s Home Is His Castle', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

An Offer He Can’t Refuse
Literary analysis for the phrase 'An Offer He Can’t Refuse', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Anchors Aweigh
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Anchors Aweigh', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Ankle Biter
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Ankle Biter', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Annus Horribilis
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Annus Horribilis', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Another Think Coming
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Another Think Coming', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Any Port in a Storm
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Any Port in a Storm', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Arms Akimbo
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Arms Akimbo', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Ars Longa, Vita Brevis
Literary analysis for the phrase Ars Longa, Vita Brevis', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Alike As Two Peas in a Pod
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Alike as Two Peas in a Pod', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Cute As a Bug’s Ear
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Cute as a Bug’s Ear ', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Daft As a Brush
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Daft as a Brush', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Dead As a Doornail
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Dead as a Doornail', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Easy as Pie
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Easy as Pie', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Fit As A Butcher’s Dog
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Fit As A Butcher’s Dog', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Good Luck Would Have It
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Good Luck Would Have It', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Happy As Larry
Literary analysis for the phrase As Happy As Larry', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Happy As a Clam
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Happy as a Clam', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As High As a Kite
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As High as a Kite', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Keen As Mustard
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Keen as Mustard', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Pleased As Punch
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Pleased as Punch', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Pure As The Driven Snow
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Pure as the Driven Snow', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Safe As Houses
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Safe As Houses', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Snug As a Bug
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Snug as a Bug', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Soon As Possible
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Soon As Possible', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Straight As a Die
Literary analysis for the phrase 'As Straight As a Die', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As The Crow Flies
Literary analysis for the phrase As The Crow Flies', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

As Thick As Thieves
Literary analysis for the phrase As Thick As Thieves', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Ashes To Ashes
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Ashes to Ashes', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

At Loggerheads
Literary analysis for the phrase 'At Loggerheads', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

At One’s Wit’s End
Literary analysis for the phrase 'At One’s Wit’s End', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

At/In One Fell Swoop
Literary analysis for the phrase At/In One Fell Swoop', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Augur Well
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Augur Well', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Away With The Fairies
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Away With The Fairies', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Baby Blues
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Baby Blues', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Baby Boomer
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Baby Boomer', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Baby Father
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Baby Father', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Back Seat Driver
Literary analysis for the phrase Back Seat Driver', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Back to Square One
Literary analysis for the phrase Back to Square One', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Back to the Drawing Board
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Back to the Drawing Board', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Bad Hair Day
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Bad Hair Day', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Badger To Death
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Badger To Death', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Bag and Baggage
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Bag and Baggage', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Baker’s Dozen
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Baker’s Dozen', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Bane of Your Life
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Bane of Your Life', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Baptism of Fire
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Baptism of Fire', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Barrel of Laughs
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Barrel of Laughs', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Bated Breath
Literary analysis for the phrase Bated Breath', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Bats in the Belfry
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Bats in the Belfry', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Batten Down the Hatches
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Batten Down the Hatches', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Battle Royal
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Battle Royal', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Be All and End All
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Be All and End All', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Be Enthralled
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Be Enthralled', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Bean Counter
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Bean Counter', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Beat Around the Bush
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Beat Around the Bush', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Beauty is in The Eye of The Beholder', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Beck and Call
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Beck and Call', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Bee In Your Bonnet
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Bee in your Bonnet', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Beg The Question
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Beg The Question', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Beggars Can’t Be Choosers
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Beggars Can’t Be Choosers', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Behind the Eight Ball
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Behind the Eight Ball', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Big Brother is Watching You
Literary analysis for the phrase Big Brother is Watching You from 1984 with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Big Fish in a Small Pond
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Big Fish in a Small Pond', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Bless You
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Bless You', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Bling Bling
Literary analysis for the phrase 'Bling Bling', with meaning, origin, and examples in literature and sentences.

Brevity is the Soul of Wit
Literary analysis for the phrase Brevity is the Soul of Wit from Shakespeare's Hamlet with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Carpe Diem
Literary analysis for the phrase Carpe Diem with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Curiosity Killed the Cat
Literary analysis for the phrase Curiosity Killed the Cat, with meaning, origin, and usage explained; as well as the source text.

Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
Literary analysis for the phrase Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night from Thomas Dylan's poem with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text

Et Tu, Brute?
Literary analysis for the phrase Et Tu, Brute? from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining
Literary analysis for the phrase Every Cloud has a Silver Lining by John Milton with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Fair is Foul, Foul is Fair
Literary analysis for the phrase Fair is Foul, Foul is Fair from Shakespeare's Macbeth with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Frailty, Thy Name is Woman
Literary analysis for the phrase Frailty, Thy Name is Woman from Shakespeare's Hamlet with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Heavy is The Head That Wears The Crown
Literary analysis for the phrase Heavy is The Head That Wears The Crown from Henry IV with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

If You Can’t Fly, Then Run
Literary analysis for the phrase If You Can't Fly, Then Run with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Ignorance is Strength
Literary analysis for the phrase Ignorance is Strength from 1984 with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

It Was the Best of Times; It Was the Worst of Times
Literary analysis for the phrase It Was the Best of Times; It Was the Worst of Times from A Tale of Two Cities with meaning, origin, usage explained via text.

Lady Doth Protest too Much
Literary analysis for the phrase Lady Doth Protest too Much from Hamlet with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Lamb to the Slaughter
Literary analysis for the phrase Lamb to the Slaughter from the Bible with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Miles to Go Before I Sleep
Literary analysis for the phrase Miles to Go Before I Sleep by Robert Frost with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

My Kingdom for a Horse
Literary analysis for the phrase My Kingdom for a Horse with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Neither a Borrower Nor a Lender Be
Literary analysis for the phrase Neither a borrower nor a lender be with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Old Sport
Literary analysis for the phrase Old Sport from The Great Gatsby with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Once More unto the Breach
Literary analysis for the phrase Once More unto the Breach with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Literary analysis for the phrase Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow from Romeo and Juliet with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Push the Envelope
Literary analysis for the phrase Push the Envelope with meaning, origin, usage explained, as well as the source text from which the phrase came.

Raining Cats and Dogs
Literary analysis for the phrase Raining Cats and Dogs, with meaning, origin, and usage explained, as well as the source text.

Ships That Pass in the Night
Literary analysis for the phrase Ships That Pass in the Night from The Theologian's Tale with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Silence is Golden
Literary analysis for the phrase Silence is Golden with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark
Literary analysis for the phrase Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark by Shakespear with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Star-crossed Lovers
Literary analysis for the phrase Star-crossed Lovers from Romeo and Juliet with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

That Way Madness Lies
Literary analysis for the phrase That Way Madness Lies from King Lear with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

The Fault, Dear Brutus
Literary analysis for the phrase The Fault, Dear Brutus, Is Not In Our Stars from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar with meaning, origin, usage explained.

The Quality of Mercy is Not Strain’d
Literary analysis for the phrase The Quality of Mercy is Not Strain'd from The Merchant of Venice with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source.

The Winter of Our Discontent
Literary analysis for the phrase The Winter of Our Discontent, from Richard III with meaning, origin, and usage explained as well as the source text.

The horror! The horror!
Literary analysis for the phrase The horror! The horror! from Heart of Darkness with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

There is a Tide in the Affairs of Men
Literary analysis for the phrase There is a Tide in the Affairs of Men from Julius Caesar with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

To Be Great is to Be Misunderstood
Literary analysis for the phrase To Be Great is to Be Misunderstood with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

To Justify the Ways of God to Men
Literary analysis for the phrase To Justify the Ways of God to Men by John Milton with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream
Literary analysis for the phrase To Sleep, Perchance to Dream from Hamlet with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

To Thine Own Self Be True
Literary analysis for the phrase To Thine Own Self Be True from Shakespeare's Hamlet with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
Literary analysis for the phrase Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow from Macbeth with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree
Literary analysis for the phrase Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree from 1984 with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

War is Peace
Literary analysis for the phrase War is Peace from 1984 with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

Wherefore Art Thou Romeo
Literary analysis for the phrase Wherefore Art Thou Romeo from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet with meaning, origin, usage explained as well as the source text.

You Are What You Eat
Origin of “You are What You Eat” The exact source of this phrase is unknown but it is said that Anthelme Brillat-Savarin used this phrase in his book.