
Onomatopoeia Definition
Onomatopoeia, pronounced on-uh-mat-uh-pee-uh, is defined as a word that mimics the natural sounds of a thing. Create a sound effect that mimics the thing described, making the description more expressive and interesting. For example, saying "The stream flows in the forest" is a more meaningful description than simply saying "The stream flows in the forest." The reader is drawn to hear the sound of a "water jet", which makes the expression more effective.

In addition to the sounds they represent, many onomatopoeic words have developed meanings of their own. For example, the word "whisper" not only represents the soft or choppy sound of people speaking quietly, but it also describes the action of people speaking quietly. .
Looked at the roar
The rustle of the leaves kept me awake.
The different sounds of animals are also considered as examples of onomatopoeia. You will easily recognize the following sounds:

Onomatopoeic word groups for water are: plop, splash, chush, sprinkle, drizzle, and drip.

Similarly, words such as giggle, grunt, growl, and growl sounds. human voice

In addition, we can identify a group of words 40a4
Examples of onomatopoeia in literature
Onomatopoeia is frequently used in literature. We observe, in the following examples, that the use of onomatopoeia gives rhythm to the texts. This makes descriptions more lively and interesting, appealing directly to the reader's senses. 0a4Below, some examples of Onomatopoeia are highlighted in bold:

Example # 1: Come down, oh maiden (By Alfred Lord Tennyson)
"The moan of pigeons in immemorial elms,
And the murmur of innumerable bees ..."

Example # 2: The tempest (By William Shakespeare)
“Listen, listen!
Watchdogs bark!
Hark, hey! I hear
The tension of a strutting singer
I scream, 'rooster-to-bird!' ”

Example # 3: For whom the bell tolls (By Ernest Hemingway)
“ He saw nothing and heard nothing, but he could feel his heart pounding and then heard the click of the stone and the click of a small rock at the fall out. "

Example # 4: The Wonderful Toy (by Tom Paxton)
" It went off when it moved and rumbled when it stopped,
and it buzzed when it stopped.
I never knew exactly what it was and I guess I'll never know. "

Example # 5: Get me to church on time (by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe)
“I'll get married in the morning!
Ding dong! The bells will ring. "

Onomatopoeia and Phanopoeia
Onomatopoeia, in their most complicated use, takes the form of phanopoeia. Phanopeia is a form of onomatopoeia that describes the meaning of things, rather than their natural sounds. Lawrence, in his poem Serpent, illustrates the use of this form :

“He leaned down from a fissure in the earthen wall in the gloom
And dragged his yellowish brown slack with his soft belly down, over the edge of the stone
And rested his throat on the stone bottom,
And where the water had dripped from the tap, in a little clarity
Drunk with his mouth straight ... ”

The rhythm and length of the previous lines, along with the use of“ hissing ”sounds, create an image of a snake in Readers' minds

Function of Onomatopoeia
Generally, words are Onomatopoeia, on the other hand, helps readers to hear the sounds of the words they reflect, so the reader cannot avoid entering into the world created by the poet. The beauty of onomatopoeic words lies in the fact that they are intended to have an effect on the reader's senses, whether or not that effect is understood. Also, a simple plain expression does not have the same emphasis. effect that conveys an idea powerfully to readers. The use of onomatopoeic words helps to create emphasis.
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