
Definition of Attitude
In general, attitude is behavior that a person engages in towards other people, things, events or events. In literature, the term "attitude" can be used to describe the perspective or tone of the writer in a particular work.

It is how a writer develops his characters, describes his stories, and drafts his narratives. His demeanor explains the true nature of the characters and the story. He uses appropriate demeanor to provide an in-depth look at a character's personality A writer can be both serious and humorous. In certain cases, the attitude can be critical or funny. Through the attitude the readers get to know the feelings of a writer in relation to his topic, his topic or his belief the choice of words and style to be developed. The following two examples cover the same subject matter; However, the first example shows an informal and casual attitude while the second example deals with the same topic in a very formal attitude.

“I want to ask the authorities what the big deal is. Why aren't they controlling the epidemic? It is eating up life like a monster. ”
“ I would like to make the authorities concerned aware of the damage caused by the epidemic. If steps are not taken to contain it, it will continue to hurt our community. "
Examples of attitudes in literature
Attitude plays an important role in literature as it closes the gap between the reader and the writer.

Example 1: The Catcher in the Rye (Von J. Salinger)
" All idiots hate you call her an idiot. ”

“ If a girl looks good when she hits you, who does matter if she's late? Nobody. ”

“ Damn money. It always ends up turning you blue as hell. "

"Catholics are always trying to find out if you are Catholic."

This is a selection of lines from J. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, all delivered by Holden Caulfield. It is easy to understand the nature and real personality of the character through these statements. Most of the comments are quite sarcastic, as Holden talks about real things in a critical way. It is not just a way of knowing the personality of the character. , but it opens a window to the writer's point of view on real life objects. In fact, the characters are the spokesmen for the attitude and thought of the writer. That is why it also shows the attitude of D. Salinger.

Example 2: The school (by Donald Barthelme)
“And the trees have all died. They were orange trees. I don't know why they died, they just died. Kindergarten wasn't the best. We complained about it. So we have thirty children there, each child had their own little tree to plant, and we have these thirty dead trees. All these kids are looking at those little brown sticks, it was depressing. “

A good example of the attitude is presented in this passage. This passage is from Donald Barthelme's short story The School. The author uses certain adjectives like "dead" and "depressing" that develop a somber attitude towards the story. Trees symbolize life in these lines, and their unexpected death colors the passage with somber and negative shades. This is also the attitude of the writer.

Example 3: The Path Not Taken (by Arthur Miller)
“I will relate this with a sigh to the last verse of The Road Not Taken, a poem by Robert Frost. When the poet Robert Frost talks about his past, he mentions it with a "sigh". The use of the sigh paints a picture of nostalgia for the past. The poet's demeanor shows that the speaker was forced to make a choice that was very difficult for him, but now he's nostalgic about giving a piece a certain shape and shape. As you read it, the attitude helps the reader treat it in a certain way. This attitude makes the readers feel in a certain way about the topic the author wants from them. It's an attitude that stimulates the feeling of seriousness, comedy, or distress when going through a piece of literature. Not only does it give characters the language to speak, but it also highlights the characters' personality and nature so that readers can fully understand them from the perspective given.
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