Elements of an Essay

Definition of Elements of an Essay
An essay is a composition that deals with a thing, person, problem, or topic in a way that the author demonstrates his knowledge by offering a new perspective, new opinion, solution, or new one Suggestions or recommendations. An essay is not just a random script. It is a well-organized composition that includes several elements that are used to create an argument, describe a situation, tell an event, or indicate a problem with a solution, various types of essays based on purpose and audience . Since an essay is an organized composition, it structurally contains the following elements:

Body Paragraphs
Nature of the Elements of an Essay
An essay contains three basic elements as stated above its respective roles in order to convince the audience, convince the reader and convey the meanings that an author has intended to mediate. For example, to introduce an introduction to the topic of the essay. First, it hooks the reader through the "hook" which is an anecdote, a good quote, a verse, or an event relevant to the topic. It is designed to grab the reader's attention.

Following the Hood The author provides background information on the subject that is intended to educate readers about the subject. The final element of the introduction is a thesis statement.This is a concise and compact sentence or two, which introduces evidence to be discussed in the body paragraphs.

Body paragraphs of an essay discuss the evidences and arguments introduced in the thesis statement.If a thesis statement has presented three evidences or arguments about the topic, there will be three body paragraphs.However, if there are more arguments or evidences, there could be more paragraphs.

The structure of each body paragraph is the same.It starts with a topic sentence, followed by further explanation, examples, evidences, and supporting details.If it is a simple non-research essay, then there are mostly examples of what is introduced in the topic sentences.However, if the essay is research-based, there will be supporting details such as statistics, quotes, charts, and explanations.

The conclusion is the last part of an essay.It is also the crucial part that summarizes the plot or concludes the description, narration, or event. It is made up of three main parts. The first part is a reformulation of the thesis statement given at the end of the introduction. Readers what they have read. The second part is the summary of the main points discussed in the body paragraphs, and the third part is the final comments, which are suggestions, recommendations, a call to action or the author's own opinion on the topic. Number

Function of the elements of an essay
Each element of an essay has a specific function. An introduction not only introduces the topic, but also provides background information, as well as hooking readers to read the entire essay. Its first sentence, which is also called a hook, literally hooks readers. When readers have gone through the introduction, they are supposed to have complete information about what they are going to read.

In the same way, the paragra phs body function is to give more information and convince readers on the subject. This can be persuasion, explanation, or clarification as needed. Most of the time, writers use ethos, pathos, and logos in this part of an essay. As traditionally has three main paragraphs, writers use each of the rhetorical devices in each paragraph, but It is not a hard and fast rule. The number of main paragraphs could be increased depending on the needs of the subject or course.

As for the conclusion, its main function is to summarize the argument: it makes the readers feel like they are done reading now. It gives them sufficient information on the subject. It gives them a new perspective, a new sight, a new vision, or motivates them to take action. The conclusion must also satisfy readers that they have read about a topic, have something to say, and that they didn't read it just for reading.
Body Paragraph Introduction