
A hyphen is a small horizontal line, such as the one in square brackets (-), used between parts of a noun or compound word, or between syllables of words at the end of a sentence or line. sentences, and combine several words to form a single meaning. For example, in the sentence, "Lord Emsworth belonged to the people-how-to-be-left-alone-to-have fun-when-they-come-to a host school." (Something fresh from P.Wodehouse) The use of hyphens has combined all these words into a single word for this type of people.

Characteristics of the script
If a compound adjective comes before the noun, they are separated with hyphens, such as
“Un azul -Shirt color ”
If a compound adjective comes after the noun, there is no hyphen, such as
“ My shirt is blue ”.
The hyphen is omitted with compound adjectives such as "the sales tax reform resolution", as well as adjectives preceded by adverbs ending in "-ly", such as
"A strangely presented speech"
Common use of the hyphen
I am looking for A friendly cat
A well-known singer is performing
The merchant erected a 10 foot tall
She bought
Script examples in literature
Example # 1: Taylor's Weekend Gardening Guide to Garden Trails (by Gordon Hayward)
“Along the Facing the wall, he created a ten-foot-wide sloping garden that joined the last twenty feet of grass that ran along the sidewalk. ”

In this example, the author has used a compound word with three words,“ ten feet wide ”, using hyphens to join them.

Example # 2: The Chronicles of Narnia (by C. Lewis)
“This story is about something that happened to them when they were sent away from London during the war because of the air raids… He himself was a very old man with shaggy white hair that also grew over most of his face like on his head, and they liked him almost immediately; But the first night he came out to meet her at the front door, he looked so strange that Lucy (the youngest) was a little afraid of him… ”

This excerpt contains two hyphens. The first is "Air Raid" and the second is "Weird Looking". Hyphens connect these words to eliminate confusion in their usage.

Example 3: Ode to the Nightingale (by John Keats)
"A minute later, and Lethe-wards had gone down:
'Tis not by envy of your lucky lot,
But it is also so happy in your happiness, -
Das you, light-winged dryad of the trees
O, for a vintage design! that was a long age in the deeply submerged earth ...
And purple-colored mouth;
That I could drink and make the world invisible,
And leaden despair… ”

Keats used hyphens to form compound words in this poem.

Example 4: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (by J. Rowling)
“ All Harry's magic books, his wand, robes, cauldron, and premium Nimbus two thousand broomstick had been locked in a cupboard under the stairs by Uncle Vernon when Harry got home ... Aunt Petunia was horse-faced and bony; Dudley was blonde, pink, and piggy. Harry, on the other hand, was short and thin, with bright green eyes and pitch black hair that was always messy. He wore round glasses and there were thin, lightning-fast glasses on his forehead. shaped scar. ”40a4
In this passage contain the separate words“ top-of-the-line ”,“ pferdegesichtig ”and“ lightning-shaped ”, each of which serves as a compound adjective.

Example 5: The hoar frost of the old seafarer (by S.Coleridge)
“The wedding guest whom he hit on the chest, 40a4He can only choose;
And so talked about this old man,
The light-eyed seafarer.

And now there was both fog and snow,
And it got wonderfully cold:
And ice, mast high, came by,
As green as emerald. “

Here the poet used hyphens three times between the compound words“ wedding guest ”,“ bright-eyed ”and“ mast high ”.

Function of hyphen
The main function of hyphens is to separate words into parts or to combine individual words into a single word to clarify meanings. Hyphens are used to remove ambiguity from sentences. With less use, the hyphen remains a norm in compound modifier structures with some prefixes. In addition, hyphenation is usually used in reasoned texts to avoid unnecessary spacing like in newspaper columns.
Helping Verb Infinitive