Literature Essay

Literature Essay
Introduction: Be brief; Give some suggestion of the direction you intend to take in your essay. Indicate the aspects of the book that you intend to cover
Paragraph: In your plan you should identify very clearly about six different points that you intend to do and the specific parts of the book. text that you intend to examine in some detail. When writing your essay, you should dedicate a paragraph or two to each point. Try to establish fluid links between the paragraphs.
. Evidence: When you make a point, you must prove it. As an attorney in court you must present evidence to support your case, so you must present evidence to prove the comments you make about characters, relationships, themes, style, etc. When making a point, refer to the text. Give an example that back up what you say. Better yet, use a quote.
Quotes: Remember to arrange the quotation marks correctly. Start a new line and indent it like this:

writing Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Write:

"quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote Quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote quote "

writing letter writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing:

Remember to put the quote with a Insert colon and use quotation marks. It is important to arrange quotes correctly as this shows that you are professional in what you do. Keep it short - no more than three or four lines.

Selection: Avoid the trap of just telling the story again. The most important thing is to be only selective about the text, refer only to the parts of the book that will help you answer the question.
Answer the question: it sounds obvious, but it's so easy to forget about the question and get started tangentially. When you have finished a paragraph, read it and ask yourself, "How does this help answer the question? "If not, change it so that it answers the question directly.
Conclusion: At the end, try to summarize all the strands of your various points. This should be the part of your essay that answers the question most directly and energetic.
Style: Keep it formal. Try not to be chatty. Imagining yourself as a court attorney trying to prove your point on a book can help set the tone .
Be creative: Remember you don't have to agree with other people's views on literature. If your ideas are original or different, as long as you develop them clearly, use evidence intelligently, and argue convincingly, your point of view will be respected. We want literature this does touch you personally and it will often affect different people in different ways, be creative.
Checklist after writing your essay
Have you:

Put the full title of the question and the date at the top?
Written in clear paragraphs?
Did you produce evidence to prove all of your points? , characters, style; just divisions for any trial. The order and emphasis will depend on the bias of the question. the success or not of the author in communicating his topic

Drama essay
Topic, plot, setting, characters, technique.

When it comes to technique, talk about how it affects the others - one per paragraph.

Poetry essay
Topic, style, technique (include aspects like alliteration, assonance, versification, rhyme , Rhythm, if applicable) .

THE TITLES OF GAMES, NEWS, MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES (things that can stand on their own) are underlined or in italics. Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie and Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye don't seem like much if you're using a word processor or have a fancy typewriter, use italics, but not both underlining and italics. (Some instructors have set rules for using italics dating back to a time when italics on a word processor can be difficult to read, so ask your teacher if you can use italics. Underscores are always correct.) Poetry, short story, and article titles (things that generally don't stand on their own) require quotation marks.

Subject tools: Subjects and Verbs

If possible, use strong subjects and active constructions in place of weak verbal nouns or abstractions and weak passive or connective verbs : Instead of "Petruchio's denial of Kate her basic needs" cruel and harsh ... "Attempt" By denying Kate the basic necessities of life, Petruchio appears cruel and harsh - but he says that he is only doing one act. "Don't forget that words and even sentences can serve as strong sentence themes:" Petruchio's "I'll break you down to a million" brings out an unexpectedly chivalrous note, especially since it follows his seemingly unfriendly behavior on the heels. "And remember - use regular quotation marks unless you are citing material that includes. In general, avoid the quagmire of published criticism

Don't try to sift through the hundreds of pounds of critical research on the scene or play. Me most interested in what you bring to the pieces, not the way you try to spit back your versions of what "experts" wrote for tenure or points with other tweed-coated guys Confusion and honest mistakes are part of the learning process, so don't try to look for others. "Authority" on your evidence.

Literature essay topics help you narrow down a particular idea or detail. It is important to choose which essay topics to use The following are examples of good literature essay topics:

Why is Hamlet delaying the revenge on Claudius
The characters? by Hamlet and Horatio
Why did Ophelia commit suicide in the 14th century
The rules of marriage
The tragic love of Romeo and Juliet
Pushkin in Russian literature
The poetry that has a special meaning for you
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