Narrative Essay

Narrative Essay Definition
A narrative essay is a type of essay that has a single motif, or a central point, around which the entire narrative revolves. All incidents, events, and characters revolve around a single motif presented in the narrative. similar to a simple five-paragraph essay, in that it has the same format. It is only different in that it is a narrative, with characters, incidents and dialogues.

Difference between a narrative essay and a short story
A narrative essay has a specific specificity. format, specific aspect to discover and a specific motif, revolves around that motive raised by the writer before writing the essay, however, a story differs from a narrative essay in that it does not revolve around a pre-established motive, and It has no specific format. Furthermore, a short story always leaves readers at a critical juncture with the desire to discover more. Instead, a narrative essay ends when readers are completely satisfied. . They don't want to read more or they don't want to discover more.

Elements of a narrative essay
A narrative essay contains three required elements: character, subject, and dialogue.


Characters are an important part of a narrative essay that act, behave and act like any other character portrayed in stories and novels.
40Einrata4Topic revolves around a topic or a motif. This subject or motif is presented in his thesis, which breaks it down into three different evidences. These three different proofs are then further elaborated by signs in main sections.


Dialog is used to capture the conversation between characters. In a narrative essay, dialogue is the third important element without which the characters lose their value and liveliness.

Examples of narrative essays in Literature
Example 1: New directions (by Maya Ang elou)
“Annie, over two meters tall and boneless , decided that she would not work as a domestic servant and leave her "precious babes" to others. There was no way to get hired at the town's cotton gin or wood mill, but maybe there was a way to have the two factories work for them. In her words, "I looked at the road I was on and went back the way I came, and since I was not satisfied, I decided to get off the road and open a new path." She told herself that she was not a fancy cook, but that she could "mix food well enough to scare the hungry and keep a man from starving."

This paragraph is an example of a narrative essay by Maya Angelou. she girl she looks and how she behaves she. She has also written direct dialogue to show that it is a narrative.

Example # 2: Saturday Evening Post (by Russell Baker)
“When I broke in that afternoon, she was in a conference with an executive from Curtis Publishing Company. She introduced me. He bent down at the waist and shook my hand. Was it true, as my mother had told him, he asked, that she longed for the opportunity to conquer the business world? My mother replied that I was blessed with a rare determination to do something for myself.

'That's correct,' I whispered.

'But do you have the courage, the character, the spirit to never quit smoking it takes to be successful in business?'

My mother said that she certainly did. " Russell Baker's essay from the famous Saturday Evening Post, the author has fully described his mother's efforts for her dialogue. Both the character and the dialogue are very clear. the one that was part of it, I wrote: 'I am the only daughter in a family of six children, that explains everything'

“Well, I have thought about that since then, and yes, it explains a lot, but for the sake of the reader I should have written: 'I am the only daughter in a Mexican family of six children.' Or even: 'I am the only daughter of a Mexican father and a Mexican-American mother.' Or: 'I am the only child in a working-class family of nine. "All of this had a lot to do with who I am today."

In this essay, the author has given a complete description of a daughter: how she looks and how she behaves

Function of the narrative essay
A narrative essay describes people, presents their conversation, and narrates their experiences to teach lessons to children. readers. In fact, it is like a story, but different because it is woven around a motif. A reason is given before the trial incidents. Readers become aware of this unique theme, central idea, or motif once they have gone through the essay. Its main purpose is to provide information about life experiences and lessons
Definition Essay Concluding Remarks