
Definition of Accumulation
Accumulation is derived from a Latin word meaning "heap". It is a stylistic device that is defined as a list of words that embody similar abstract or physical qualities or meanings, with the intention of emphasizing the common qualities that words have; it is also an act of accumulation of the scattered points. in literary pieces and in everyday conversation

Examples of accumulation in literature
Example # 1: Henry V (from William Shakespeare)
Salisbury and Gloucester,
Be in their flowing glasses, just remembered. "

In this excerpt, Shakespeare has put together similar words to describe King Henry. Henry memorizes the king's name and nobility by mentioning:" Bedford, Exeter, Warwick, Talbot, Salisbury, and Gloucester. ”

Example # 2: Ulysses (by James Joyce)
“ What program of intellectual activities was simultaneously possible? Instant photography, comparative study or f religions, folklore related to various amatory and superstitious practices, contemplation of heavenly constellations… ”

If you are looking for examples of accumulation in literature, James Joyce is the author to check his fame for using this literary device. Here Joyce has collected similar and related words in the form of a list. There are options between different intellectual careers. These include "snapshot photography, comparative study of religions, superstitious practices".

Example 3: The Little Virtues (by Natalia Ginzburg)
“I don't know how to manage my time; he knows.
I can't dance and he does.
I can't type and he does.
I don't know how to drive… ”

The writer used the negation in the sentences given. All four lines are written in an accumulated form, and the scattered items are listed together, adding to the readers' vocabulary we trade, we care for babies, we relieve the poor and we bring some joy to the rich… ”

This is a very good example of the accumulation in which Swift is making proposals to eradicate poverty. He has listed various motives and ways to solve the problems by adding the meaning of the sentences and contributing to them.

Example # 5: When will Jesus bring the pork chops (by George Carlin)
I am a modern, digital, smoke-free man;
a man for the millennium

A postmodern, diversified, multicultural deconstructionist;
politically, anatomically and ecologically incorrect.

I have been linked and downloaded,
I have been entered and outsourced.
I know the positive side of the downsizing,
I know the negative side of the upgrade ”.

Here, George Carlin has used three categories of accumulation. In the first two lines, "A Modern Man" is described as "digital and smoke-free", and as "a man for the millennium". On the next two lines, he added, "a diversified, multicultural ... politically ... incorrect."

Example # 6: Maundy Thursday (by William Blake)
“Is this something sacred to see?
In a rich and fruitful land,
Babes reduced to misery,
Fed with a cold and usurious hand?

Is that shaky cry a song?
Can it be a song of joy?
And so many poor children?
And its fields are desolate and bare,
And its roads are full of thorns. ”

Here is the accumulation of three questions that induce a response of resentment. Similarly, three statements come in the third stanza in a similar grammatical pattern These are: "And his son never shines", "And his fields are desolate and bare" and "And his roads are full ..."

Example # 7 : Ulysses (by James Joyce)
"Rangoon Beans, Tomato Bangs, Fig Drums, Swedes Drills, Spherical Potatoes and Iridescent Kale, York and Savoy Stalks, and Trays of Onions, Earth Pearls, and Baskets of mushrooms and custard marrows …… and rapeseed and red green yellow reddish brown sweet big ripe sour grapefruit apples and strawberry chips and currant sieves, pulpy and hairy, and strawberries suitable for princes and raspberries from their canes ... Extract is a perfect example of accumulation. At the beginning, there is a list of flowers and vegetables. These include "Rangoon beans, tomato punches, fig drums" and again an accumulation of different colors, such as "red green yellow reddish brown ".

Accumulation function
Accumulation is used in literature, poetry, and all kinds of rhetorical writing. The basic function is to make the language more alive and contribute to the meanings of words. Also, describe the qualities of an object through different explanations, if otherwise it would be vague or ambiguous.
O Me! O Life! Acrostic