
Definition of Comedy
Comedy is a literary genre and a type of dramatic work that is amusing and satirical in its tone and usually has a happy ending. The motif of this dramatic work is to triumph over uncomfortable circumstances by creating comic book effects that lead to a happy or successful conclusion.

The purpose of comedy is to amuse the audience. Comedy has several subgenres depending on the source of humor, the context in which a writer provides dialogue, and delivery methods, which include farce, satire, and burlesque is the opposite of comedy as tragedy deals with sad and tragic events in it

Types of Comedy
There are five types of comedy in literature:

Romantic Comedy
Romantic Comedy involves a theme of love that leads to a happy conclusion. We find romantic comedy in Shakespearean plays and some Elizabethan contemporaries. These pieces deal with idealized love relationships. The fact is that true love never goes smoothly; Love overcomes difficulties, however, and ends in a happy union.

Comedy of Humors
Ben Johnson is the first playwright to conceive and popularize this dramatic genre in the late 16th century. The term humor derives from the Latin word humor, which means "liquid". It comes from the theory that the human body has four fluids, or humors, including phelgm, blood, yellow bile, and black bile, and explains that when humans have a balance of these humors in their bodies, they stay healthy.

Manners Comedy
This form of drama genre is about the intrigues and relationships of ladies and gentlemen living in a sophisticated society. This form is based on high comedy, derived from the brilliance and wit of dialogue, violations of social traditions and good manners, by mindless characters such as jealous husbands, wives and dandies. We find its use in Playwrights of the Restoration, particularly in the works of Wycherley and Congreve. and indecency of the comedy of customs of the Restoration. This form, which incorporates scenes with extreme emotions that evoke excessive pity, arity among middle-class audiences in the 18th century.

This dramatic genre contains both tragic and comic elements. It combines both elements to lighten the overall mood of the piece. Often tragic comedy is a serious play that ends happily.

Examples of Comedy from Literature
Example 1: A Midsummer Night's Dream (by William Shakespeare)
William Shakespeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream, is a good example of a romantic comedy in which young lovers are introduced for fall strangely in love for a short time. Your real-world problems are magically resolved, enemies reconcile, and true lovers unite in the end.

Example 2: Every Man in His Humor (by Ben Johnson)
In his play Every Man in His Humor, Ben Johnson does a comedy with humor. An overwhelming suspicion and obsession with his wife - that she might be unfaithful to him - controls Kitely. Then a country gull governs every decision by George Downright to gallantly understand the manners of the town. Nobody worried about his son's moral development tries to spy on him.

Example 3: The Conscious Lovers (By Sir Richard Steele)
Sir Richard Steele's play The Conscious Lovers is a well-known and popular sentimental comedy that has the feel of a melodrama . It denotes extreme exaggeration and deals with trials of her penniless lead role Indiana. The play ends happily with the discovery of Indiana as heir.

Example # 4: All is well that ends well (By William Shakespeare)
Shakespeare's play, All well that ends well, perfectly sums up the tragic and comic elements. This work of tragicomedy shows antics of the low. Helena, born but devoted, trying to win the love of her lover Bertram, finally succeeds in marrying him, although she decides not to accept him until she wears her husband's family ring and bears him a child. She a lot of deception by disguising herself as the other Bertram and faking his death. Bertram discovers his betrayal at the end, but realizes that Helena did all of this for him and expresses his love for her.

Comedy role
Comedy tends to bring humor and induce laughter in plays, movies, and theaters. The main function of comedy is to amuse and entertain the audience, while also portraying social institutions and people as corrupt, and ridiculing them by satirizing, parodying, and poking fun at their vices. In doing this, the authors expose the weaknesses and follies of individuals and society through the use of comic elements.
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