
Conceit Definition
Conceit is a phrase that uses similes or metaphors to compare two very different objects.

Conceit develops a comparison that is extremely improbable, but nevertheless intellectually resourceful. A comparison becomes an imagination when the author tries to admit to us a similarity between two things that we are very aware of being inequality. For this reason, ideas are often surprising.

For example, it will not surprise us when someone says: "You are a snail" or "You are" as slow as a snail ", since we understand that the similarity is based on a common quality based on slowness. In any case, we will be surprised when someone compares “two lovers with the legs of a draftsman's compass”. Inventive examples therefore have a surprising or shocking effect on the reader, since they are novel comparisons, in contrast to the conventional comparisons in parables and metaphors.

Concepts in everyday life
In everyday life we ​​can surprise and amuse others by using imaginations such as “Love is like an oil change ”or“ The broken heart is a damaged porcelain pot. “In these examples, trying to compare two noticeably unrelated objects leads to ideas of comparison. Real-life concepts can add a touch of simplicity to complex ideas and emotions by comparing them to simple everyday objects, as in “My Life Is Like a Free Online Game, People Seem To Play With.

Examples of imagination in literature
Let's analyze some examples of imagination in literature:

Example 1: Romeo and Juliet (by William Shakespeare)
William Shakespeare uses an imagination in Act 3, Scene 5 of his play Romeo and Juliet. Capulet comes into Juliet's room after Romeo has left. He finds her crying and says:

“You are forging a bark, a sea, a wind;
For your eyes, which I may call the sea,
;; The bark of your body is
Sailing in this sea of ​​salt; the winds, your sighs;
Whoever raves with your tears, and they with them,
Without sudden calm, will overwhelm the body thrown by the storm. “

Er compares Julia to a boat in a storm. The comparison is an expanded metaphor in which he compares her eyes to a sea, her tears to a storm, her sighs to the stormy winds, and her body to a boat in a storm.

The term imagination usually brings to mind some examples of metaphysical poets of the 17th century. Of these, John Donne is the best at using metaphysical imaginations. John Donne says in his poem A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning:

“If they are two, they are two, just as stiff
Twin compasses are two;
The soul, the fixed foot, does not make a show
to move, but does it when the other does.

And although he sits in the middle,
yoke, when the other wanders far,
It leans in and listens to it,
And grows tall when that comes home. “

This is one of Donne's most brilliant performances. He compares the souls of his and his loved ones with the two legs of a drawing compass. He compares her soul to the fixed foot and his to the other foot. He says the lovers' bodies could be separated like the two legs of a compass, but are always connected at the top, which reminds us of the spiritual union of the two lovers.

Example 3: The Flea (by John Donne)
We find in John Donne's poem The flea:

“Oh, stay! Three lives in a flea and sexually because the flea has both sucked blood and their blood has mixed in his intestines, so the flea has become their "marriage bed" even though they are not yet married.

Function of Conceit
Because ideas are unusual and make improbable comparisons between two things they allow readers to make things and metaphors may explain things vividly, but they tend to get boring at times due to their predictable nature. On the other hand, they surprise and shock readers by making far-fetched comparisons - it is used as a tool in literature to develop interest in readers.
Figure of Speech Simile