
A gerund is a type of verb that ends in "-ing", but in a sentence, it works like a noun. In fact, a gerund is a type of verbal noun in the -ing form. Because a gerund functions as a noun, it occupies the same position that a noun occupies in a sentence, which is the position of a subject. For example, in the sentence, "Humor is laughing at what you don't have when you should have it" (A Note on Humor, by Langston Hughes), "Humor laughs" takes the place of a noun and is explained in the rest of the sentence.

Daily use of gerund
Dreaming is my hobby during the long winter holidays.
In this sentence, “dreaming” is a gerund, which functions as a noun. both serve as subject complements.
Smiling is an art of keeping people from worrying.
In this sentence, "smile" is a gerund and work as a subject. The other two gerunds, "keep" and "worry", are objects of prepositions.
She loves to act because it is like a real life for her.
In this sentence, "act" is a gerund, which functions as a direct object of "loves".
Gerund Examples in Literature
Example # 1: For Whom the Bell Tolls (by Earnest Hemingway)
"He crossed the creek, caught a double handful, washed the muddy roots with the stream, and then sat down next to his backpack and ate the fresh, clean green leaves and the crisp, spicy stalks ... They both climbed down the rock like goats. As he came out, he leaned over the bowl and filled the glass and everyone touched the rims of the glass. "

Here "climb down" works as a noun of the verb "wine".

Example # 2: Man and Superman (by George Bernard Shaw)
“This is the true joy of life, to be used for a position recognized by yourself as powerful; being completely worn out before being thrown into the junk heap; being a force of nature rather than a feverish, selfish little lump of ailments and grievances that complains that the world will not be dedicated to making you happy. "

In this example, there are three gerunds" ser "," complain " and "doing. "Being" plays the role of a subject.

Example 3: Percy and the Prophet (by Wilkie Collins)
"I never believe and I don't believe. If you excuse my speech, I mean to watch you closely and make your own decisions."

In the following lines, “speaking” is a rounded form with “-ing” at the end of the word and works as a noun.

Example 4: To the lighthouse (by Virginia Wolf)
“So with The lamps all went out, the moon sank and came in thin rain drummed on the roof. It was raining immeasurably dark. Only through the rusty hinges and the swollen woodwork moistened with the sea were certain breezes loosened by the wind (after all, the house was dilapidated) crept around corners and ventured into the house. One could almost Imagine when they came into the parlor questioning and inquiring, playing with the clapper hanging wallpaper and asking if it would hang much longer, when would it fall? ”

In this passage“ Drums ”,“ Rege pouring ”,“ asking ”,“ asking, “playing” and “hanging” are gerunds.

Example 5: Grief becomes Electra (by Eugene O'Neill)
“Then her mother obviously disappears into the greenhouse, because Lavinia turns her head, without noticing Seth and his friends, looking to the left, their attention is caught by the band whose music, carried by a refreshing breeze, has suddenly grown louder ... you will excuse me if I come out bluntly. I've lived life at sea and in camps for most of my time, and I'm used to speaking directly. ”

The author has used two rounded forms in this passage:“ refreshing breeze ”and“ speaking directly ”. ”Both gerunds function as nouns.

Gerund function
Unlike a noun, a gerund does not take inflections or does not have proper plural forms. A gerund performs multiple functions in a sentence; it functions as a subject, as a direct object, as a complement to the subject and as an object of preposition. The most important use of a gerund is to serve as a pure verbal noun. Although it behaves like a verb, it works like a noun. The main point in using gerunds is to give variation to different sentences in a text. This variation beautifies a piece of writing and conveys different nuances of the same words or the same sentences.
Direct Object Helping Verb