Phrasal Verb

Definition of phrasal verb
A phrasal verb is a compound verb containing a verb and an adverb or prepositional particle. Together, they form a semantic unit. A phrasal verb can also appear as an idiom. inseparable, which is why they are often called "two-part verbs". The English language contains several phrasal verbs, such as "tear off", "pull through" and "run out". Almost all of these phrasal verbs have various meanings. In the sentence "Turn off the light and then turn off the light." (William Shakespeare's Othello), Shakespeare has used the phrasal verb "put out" twice.

Common uses of phrasal verbs
“You turned down the job offer”.
“This is the right time to think it over. "
" You should back me up on this. "
" You should review the article before continuing to the submit screen. "
" She throws the ball in the air. "
" He's so upset it feels like throwing up. ”
Difference between Phrasal Verbs and Prepositional Verbs
A phrasal verb is the combination of a verb and its particles. It can have a transitive or intransitive verb and / or particle. Some phrasal verbs are not separable, which means that an object can appear between the verb and its preposition / adverb. For example:

"I got my money back".

A prepositional phrase contains a verb followed by a preposition. It contains a direct object, which means that the prepositional verb is actually a transitive verb. This verb is inseparable, which means that an object cannot appear between the verb and its preposition. For example:

“You are knocking on your door.”

Examples of phrasal verbs in literature
Example 1: The neurotic's complete notebook (by Mignon McLaughlin)
“Whatever you can't get out, go in with all your heart.”

The words “Out” and “in” are both particles. The first particle is a phrase verb (“out from”), while the second particle (“to come in”) is the prepositional verb.

Example 2: Responsibilities of the novelist (by Frank Norris)
“I never made a truck; I never took off my hat to fashion and thought it cost a few cents. From God, I told them the truth. “

In this example, the phrase verbs“ removed ”and“ held out ”can be separated and convey different meanings from the original verbs, while both“ Aus ”and“ Ein ”are particles.

Example 3: The catcher in the rye (by J. Salinger)
"The reason I was high up on Thomsen Hill instead of down in the game ... I forgot to tell you about it. You kicked me out. I shouldn't come ... She hung my coat in the hall closet. "

Salinger has used three phrase verbs here:" Stand up "," kicked out "and" Hang up ". All of them can be separated and form complete semantic units never played basketball or any other game before, but his large, jiggling size and enthusiastic enthusiasm helped offset his innate clumsiness and lack of experience. ”

In this passage the verb is“ make ”while“ up ”is as a particle, but is not used as a preposition. Both verbs complete the combination.

Example 5: The Old Man and the Sea (by Earnest Hemingway)
“The spots ran well over the sides of his face and his hands had the deeply creased scars from handling heavy ones Fishing on the lines… The successful fishermen of that day were already in and had their butchered marlin out and carrying them in full length over two boards…

“A little bird came towards the boat from the north. He was a warbler and flew very low over the water. The old man could see that he was very tired. ”

In this excerpt, Hemingway has used three phrasal verbs:" ran "," slaughtered "and" flying ", which include the verbs" ran "," slaughtered "and" flying ", as well as the particles" down, "" Out "I see ".

A phrasal verb plays the same function as a simple verb. However, a phrasal verb conveys an idiomatic meaning. Phrasal verbs are commonly used in both writing and speaking, but are more difficult for non-native speakers who rely solely on memorization to understand. The most important characteristic of a phrasal verb is that the meaning of the combined structure is different from the original meanings of the verbs used to create the phrasal verb.
Phoneme Phrase