
Definition of Sentence
A grammatical term, which is a group of words, functions as a significant part or unit within a clause or sentence and is called a phrase. It consists of a main word that determines the grammatical nature of the unit and an optional modifier. They also consist of other phrases.

When it becomes difficult to describe something through an adjective or adverb, a phrase appears to help the writer. For example, "It is always the best policy to tell the truth, unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar." (The Idler, by Jerome K. Jerome) In this sentence, the underlined phrase is an adjective phrase

Sentence types
Based on constructions and functions, the phrase is of eight types:

Substantive phrase (NP)
A noun phrase contains a noun such as a heading noun and related words, such as determiners (such as the, her, a) and modifiers, that modify that noun. It serves as a noun within a sentence.

Prepositional phrase (Prep P)
A prepositional phrase contains a preposition, a preposition object (pronoun or noun), and related modifiers. It usually starts with a preposition and ends with an object of a preposition. It serves as an adjective or adverb within a sentence.

Adjective phrase (Adj Ph)
An adjective phrase functions as an adjective within a sentence. It contains an adjective, some relevant determiners and modifiers, and a word that modifies a noun or pronoun, a verb, a noun, a preposition, an adverb or an adjective. The role of the phrase in writing depends on its construction.

Adverbphrase (Adv Ph)
It works as an adverb within a sentence. It contains and adverb and other grammatical units such as a verb, a noun, a preposition and some modifiers.

Verb Phrase (VP)
It consists of the main verb and the auxiliary verbs or auxiliary verbs within a sentence. According to transformational generative grammar, verb phrases can contain the main verb, auxiliaries, modifiers, and compliments. It could refer to the entire predicate of a sentence.

Infinitive phrase (IP)
An infinitive phrase contains an infinitive, which is a combination of (a + simple verb form), with or without other words, and modifiers associated with that infinitive. It always functions as a noun, adjective or adverb within a sentence

German phrase (GP)
German phrases contain a gerund, combination of (verb + ing) other words, and modifiers associated with that gerund. In a sentence, it functions as a noun.

Participle Phrase (Part Ph)
The participle phrases contain a present participle, which is (verb + ing), and a past participle, modifiers or other associated words. They are separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. The participle phrases act like an adjective within a sentence.

Absolute phrase (AP)
The absolute phrase consists of a noun, pronoun, pair. ticiple and associated modifiers. They are also known as nominative phrases. Modify or provide information about a complete sentence. Absolute phrases look like clauses, but they lack a true finite verb. They are separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.

Phrase Examples in Literature
Example # 1: The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky (by Stephen Crane)
"The man stood laughing, arms on hips."

These lines have used an absolute phrase as underlined. This sentence has modified the whole sentence or provided information about a man and his height .

Example # 2: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: One Year of Food Life (by Barbara Kingsolver)
"Humans can be pretty ridiculous animals" .

In this example, the underlined words show an adjective phrase that modifies the noun “humans. "It works like an adjective in this sentence.

Example 3: Life on the Move (by Misty Copeland)
“Lola walked over, gently grabbed my hand, and led me to the top of the class.”

Copeland used prepositional clauses twice in this sentence. Both sentences contain prepositions, preposition objects (pronouns) and modifiers. These phrases modify pronouns.

Example 4: The Book of Laughing and Forgetting (by Milan Kundera)
"Laughing means living deeply."

This is an example of an infinitive. Both sentences are based on the particles "to" and the basic verbs "laugh" and "Life". In the second phrase, “deeply” is a modifier.

A phrase functions as a verb, noun, preposition, adverb, or adjective. The role of a phrase in writing depends on its construction. It expresses an idea in one unit, giving the text additional meanings. When authors use it correctly, a written piece of work becomes more concise and professional.
Phrasal Verb Possessive Pronoun