Possessive Pronoun

Definition of possessive pronoun
A possessive pronoun is used to show possession, or to indicate the person who owns the object. Replace a noun within a sentence. “We were both work-study kids with college jobs. His was in the library; mine was in the Commons cafeteria ”(Joyland, by Stephen King),“ she ”and“ mine ”are possessive pronouns. that look like possessive pronouns, but are in fact different from pronouns that look the same as

contractions These are confusing for many people, as in these pairs the contraction contains an apostrophe, but the possessive pronoun does not Here are some Examples of commonly confused contractions and possessive pronouns:

Its / it's
The dog ran after its owner.
This sentence uses the possessive pronoun “its”.

Today it is raining.
Here, "is" is a contraction of "is".

Yours / hay
Only one day left
In this sentence, "hay" is a contraction of "hay".

The box is theirs.
This sentence has used a possessive pronoun.

Who / who is
Who is making noise?
Here, "who" is a contraction of "who is".

Whose book is this? very welcome!
In this sentence, "you are" is a contraction of "you are".

Your lunch is ready.
This sentence "you" is a possessive pronoun.

Common use of the possessive pronoun
I lost my book, so Mary lent me hers. the house is yours.
This dog is licking its bone.
Take it to her party .
This is my sister's phone; I'm sure it's her. as a possessive pronoun. , although it is in fact an absolute pronoun. The basic absolute pronouns are: he, she, mine, yours, theirs, his and ours. For example:

Our dog has good manners, but theirs barks all the time . It's hers
Mine is a top of the line button down jacket.
Is this car yours?
Weak possessive pronoun
The weak possessive is also known as possessive determiners that function as determiners and precede a noun Weak possessive pronouns are his, her, my, your, its, Nuestro and sus. For example:

My mobile is new.
This is your laptop.
Examples of possessive pronouns in literature
Example # 1: Women and the new race (by Margaret Sanger)
“Women should have their freedom, the fundamental freedom to choose whether or not they will be a mother and how many children they will have. Whatever the man's attitude, that problem is hers, and before it can be hers, it is hers alone. "

Sanger has used weak and absolute possessive pronouns as underlining. The weak possessive pronoun is" hers ", while the absolute possessive pronoun is" From her. " enter the TARDIS. Oh, I never gave you a key? Stay with it. Come on, it's yours. Great moment indeed! "

In this line, the absolute possessive pronoun" yours "replaces the noun" key. " "This pronoun acts independently, which is why it's an absolute pronoun.

Example 3: The Catcher in the Rye (by J. Salinger)
" It's really difficult to be with people when your suitcases are much better than theirs . "

Here is another good use of the absolute possessive pronoun" you "representing a preceding noun, persons. It doesn't change the noun here.

Example 4: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (by Lewis Carroll)
" Mine is long and sad story! Said the mouse, turning to Alice and sighing. “But why do you call it sad?”

The first line in the above instance shows the use of the absolute possessive pronoun “meins”, which represents the following noun “mouse”.

Possessive pronouns help writers avoid the repeated use of nouns. The repeated use of nouns makes a piece of prose mundane and difficult to read. In fact, they show possession and possession of something. In this way they make the meaning of sentences clear. Additionally, they sometimes serve as subjects and objects of sentences and refer to singular or plural antecedents.
Phrase Prefix