Simple Sentence

Definition of the simple sentence
A simple sentence in grammar has only one main sentence or one independent sentence and no dependent or subordinate sentences. This short and independent syntactic entity consists of a subject and a predicate and is intended to convey a complete idea or meaning of an idea.

A simple sentence is also known as a clause set. It can have a modifier alongside a subject, a verb, and an object. Although simple, it can sometimes have compound verbs and compound subjects. It may or may not use commas, but it remains simple in construction. For example, "Studies are for joy, adornment, and skill." (Of Studies, by Francis Bacon)

Common use of simple sentences
The pen is more powerful than the sword.
Alice goes to the library every day to study.
Perhaps the decline of this country has already begun.
Your company management has performed its functions excellently
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones
They have lost thousands of jobs in Asia, South America and Mexico
Types of simple prayer
There are two different types of prayer simple. Depending on the structure, these include:

Compound Verbs and Compound Subjects: Some sentences have a single subject and two or more verbs. Other sentences have a single verb and two or more subjects. For example:
The dog barked and ran (compound verb)
Jack and Jill went up a hill. (Compound noun)
Arnold and Juan play cricket every night. (Compound noun)
The cat and the dog howled and howled, respectively (Compound verb)
Julia and Mary rented a taxi to the airport. (Compound noun)
The italicized words in the above simple sentences are compound verbs and compound nouns, respectively.

Simple subject and a single verb - This type of simple sentence has only one subject and one verb. For example:
The staff has performed well .
A white shirt always looks sharp.
He sold it at a high price on Amazon.
You have to dream to realize your dream.
Examples of simple sentences in literature
Example 1: The Big Sleep (by Raymond Chandler)
“I wore My powder blue suit with a dark blue shirt, tie and handkerchief, black brogues, black wool socks with dark blue watches. “

Chandler used a simple, multi-subject phrase perfectly to describe his blue suit. There are no dependents. A single independent sentence conveys a complete idea.

Example # 2: The Awakening (by Kate Chopin)
“She was becoming herself and every day she put aside that fictional self that we assume as a garment with which to appear before the world”.

This is another excellent example of a simple sentence without the use of commas. It is just a sentence with no dependent clauses.

Example # 3: Extremely loud and incredibly close (by Jonathan Safran Foer)
“Sometimes I can feel my bones tighten under the weight of all the lives that I am not living. ”

In the example above, the author has used a short, stand-alone sentence to convey a complete idea of tight bones.

Example # 4: Pride and Prejudice (by Jane Austen)
“ Mr. Bennet was among the first about Mr. Bingley ”.

Here, Austen has used a simple, declarative sentence, without commas or clauses, to describe Mr. Bennet's character traits.

Example # 5: The Shrike and the Chipmunks (by James Thurber)
"Getting up early and going to bed early makes a man healthy, rich and dead."

This simple sentence can stand alone. Conveys the idea of getting up early in the morning in a single sentence clarifying the meaning.

Example # 6: The Princess Bride (by William Goldman)
"Have fun storming the castle!"

This is a very simple and clear statement with an exclamation point. This independent clause sends the author's message emotions to his readers without agitation or complexity of thought.

The simple sentence is one of the four basic sentence structures. It serves as a simple statement. It works as a means of communication, adding information to existing knowledge of both the speaker and the listener. Sometimes writers and speakers use it as a wise saying or proverb. The simple sentence removes boredom and choppiness in written work. It also improves the clarity, accuracy and smoothness of reading and speaking by providing a limited amount of information in a concise and precise manner.
Semicolon Subordinating Conjunction